Thursday, March 4, 2010

Government Spending Problems

Again the government has shown its total lack of respect for taxpayer dollars by putting together a new 900 BILLION DOLLAR stimulus bill. Not only do we have TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN CURRENT DEBT but they want to add more by another bill of wasteful spending. Despite what you may have heard on the news this stimulus has tons of fat included. The president has pushed health care so much that he hasn’t taken any time to realistically develop a plan to get the economy back on its feet. I don’t know about everyone else but when you don’t have a job, healthcare is the last thing on your mind. If they feel the need to pass bill’s costing close to a TRILLION DOLLARS it should be focused on our number one problem and I think that that is unemployment. STOP WASTING MONEY AND HANDING IT OUT AND START CREATING JOBS! Lets be real, this 900 BILLION dollars has to come from somewhere and since there about 300 million people that live in the U.S. this bill comes out to $3,000 for EACH OF US! The sad thing is if they don’t really have it they are just going to fire up the printers and make some new cash to help raise our current inflation rate. How are we going to get ahead????? How does our country get out of debt???? I have a few good ideas; the first is to stop spending money we don’t have. We need to change or we are looking at total destruction. THE LEADING CAUSE OF DIVORCE IS FINANCES IS THEY CAN BREAK UP A MARRIAGE THEY CAN BREAK UP ANYTHING, INCLUDING A COUNTRY.
Below I have listed websites that have a list of what the projected bill will consist of.

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