Sunday, March 28, 2010

More lives lost and our freedom challenged

I think that it is important to recognize the lives that have been lost for our freedom and I will be talking a lot about our soldiers in this blog. If you're not aware the number of american soldiers that have been lost this year has gone from 0.4 from last year to 0.8 now. Meaning every ten days eight soldiers die. This might also be because of the extra 30,000 troops that have been sent to Afhganistan. I appreciate their ability and sactifice to keep our country free. I still constantly worry that the way our govenment is being run that our freedom is slowly slipping through our fingers into the hands of our leaders.

Our economy is one of my largest concerns at this current moment. We have a list of other porblems longer than any highway in our country but the current economy is very shaky. In a recent pole by the Wall Street Journal online in 42 states personal income has dropped and only six have seen an increase. I think that this is the first thing that needs addressed before we end up back in the twenties. In some ways I think that we are actually worse off and in some ways we are close to being in the same position. One of the most recent things I have seen the government waste time and money on is investigating wealthy individuals. I have seen a man in our community that has implimented different business ideas that are not same old way of doing business individually trargeted. He is currently facing charges that I believe are false but because of our fearless leaders hundreds of people that invested money with this man are going bankrupt and will struggle for years because of the millions of dollars frozen by the goverment. They do not investigate first they freeze everything then start looking into things. This is what we have been reduced to. I worry everyday that I may do something that the government may not like even if its only a little and they can make my life disappear. We need to stand up and fight. This is why we are Americans, we are free to live the American dream ad live life to the fullest. There a lot of ways to fight and I believe that one of them is to join Glen Beck in being heard. Check out his website at

Monday, March 8, 2010

American Healthcare

Today I would just like to make a small post that is pretty much summed up from this quote from Chuck Norris that my mother in law found. "The abuse of federal political power to intervene in areas such as Americans' private health care could exist only in a nation that no longer holds its leaders accountable to its constitution and that has governmental leadership that regards itself as above its people and its constitution." - Chuck Norris. This is a powerful statement and it covers every base. We are having to sit by and watch as the government slowly but surely gains more power with everyday and every new bill passed. I look inside myself everyday and wonder, is there something that can be done?? I think there is but I am not sure if it ever will...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lives Lost In War On Terror

I would like to take some time today to make a post for those who are fighting for our freedon in Iraq and Afganistan. For years now we have been in a war on terrorism. I am still not sure that this war was declared with the intention of fighting terror considering that it was aimed originally at Iraq, the number one supplier of oil to our country at the time. I found it interesting that that the tie was there for oil and that our president at the time was filthy rich from his families companies. The largest being their oil companies. Looking past that I beleive that we have been going down the right path in Afganistan and that is where the war on terror really is. I would like to personally thank each and every person fighting for our freedom and I pray that it is for all the right reasons. God bless them and god bless this country. I hope that our leaders will strive 100% everyday to keep our country out of harms way.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Government Spending Problems

Again the government has shown its total lack of respect for taxpayer dollars by putting together a new 900 BILLION DOLLAR stimulus bill. Not only do we have TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN CURRENT DEBT but they want to add more by another bill of wasteful spending. Despite what you may have heard on the news this stimulus has tons of fat included. The president has pushed health care so much that he hasn’t taken any time to realistically develop a plan to get the economy back on its feet. I don’t know about everyone else but when you don’t have a job, healthcare is the last thing on your mind. If they feel the need to pass bill’s costing close to a TRILLION DOLLARS it should be focused on our number one problem and I think that that is unemployment. STOP WASTING MONEY AND HANDING IT OUT AND START CREATING JOBS! Lets be real, this 900 BILLION dollars has to come from somewhere and since there about 300 million people that live in the U.S. this bill comes out to $3,000 for EACH OF US! The sad thing is if they don’t really have it they are just going to fire up the printers and make some new cash to help raise our current inflation rate. How are we going to get ahead????? How does our country get out of debt???? I have a few good ideas; the first is to stop spending money we don’t have. We need to change or we are looking at total destruction. THE LEADING CAUSE OF DIVORCE IS FINANCES IS THEY CAN BREAK UP A MARRIAGE THEY CAN BREAK UP ANYTHING, INCLUDING A COUNTRY.
Below I have listed websites that have a list of what the projected bill will consist of.